Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB


Statutory Information


In accordance with The School Information (England) Regulations amended  2023:

Simply click on the section name to take you to that location.

A paper copy of any of the statutory information will be made available on request free of charge.




Name of School

Elton Primary School



Unique Reference Number

(URN) 141167



Alston Street, Elton, Bury.



Post Code





0161 705 2674




Mrs Emma Collopy




Bury College Education Trust Finance Information 



Admission Arrangements

Admissions Procedure



Pupil Selection

The school follows the Bury LEA Admissions Procedure and does not apply any other selection criteria



Appeals Information

Appeals information page



Parent Applications



Ofsted Reports

Most Recent Ofsted Report 




End of Academic Year Results 2022/2023



School Performance

School Performance Table



Remote Learning Offer

Elton Remote Learning Policy and Remote Online Learning Offer 




Curriculum Content 



Approach to Reading




Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy



Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium Spend & Strategy 2023/2024 



Sports Focus

Sports Funding 2023/2024



Catch up Premium

Covid Catch up Premium Spend




Miss Anna Dickie



SENCO Email contact



SEN Report


Elton Primary School SEND Policy 

Elton Primary SEND Information Report



SEN Information

Bury Directory & Local Offer 



Positive Behaviour Policy

Positive Behaviour Policy 




BCET Exclusion Policy 



Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy & Accessibility Plan 



Medical Policy

Medical Policy



Ethos & Values

Our Ethos & Values  



Governors published data

Governor Information 



GDRP & Privacy Notices

BCET General Data Protection Regulations Policy

BCET Privacy Notice for Pupils

BCET Privacy Notice for Parents




BCET Equality Policy 



Complaints Policy

Complaints Procedure 



Charging and Remission Policy

BCET Charges & Remissions Policy 




For more information on Bury College Education Trust visit the website at: Bury College Educational Trust Website

Visit another school within our Trust family by clicking on the following link:  


Radcliffe Primary School: Part of the Bury College Education Trust

Park View Primary School : Part of the Bury College Education Trust