Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB

Admissions to Nursery & Reception

Please contact us if you wish to find out more about our school nursery or starting in our Reception class before September and would like to arrange to visit school, we will be happy to arrange a time and date for you to come and see our wonderful early years provision. 


Admissions to Reception Class for September 2024

The Local Authority is responsible for Reception admissions. Children who will be of school age come September (Born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020) will receive a letter from Bury Council. You will have until 15 January 2024 to apply online via the admissions website, stating your preferred choice of schools. National offer day is   16 April 2024. 

Should you wish to arrange to tour school then please contact us and we will be happy to arrange a time and date for you to visit.

At Elton Primary School the admission limit in any one year group is 45.

Our criteria for admissions is as follows:

1) Looked after children

3) Siblings

3) Distance



You can appeal against your primary school reception class allocation by completing the appeal form: pdf icon Primary school reception class appeal form.
Please email the completed form and any supplementary information to by 15th May 2024.
Please complete one appeal form per school and one appeal form per child.
For more information about school appeals, including the admission appeal timetable/process please visit Appeal against school place decision.


In Year Intake

If you would like to apply for a school place outside of the September Reception intake, please contact the school office on 0161 705 2674 for details of class sizes and availability. Once you know there is an available place you need to apply formally through Bury Council via the following link:

Parents and children transferring from another school are encouraged to visit the school for a pre-transfer welcome visit to ensure they have all the information required prior to starting.


Transition to High School

The transition of our children to High School is a very important stage in our children’s school life.

All high schools organise Open Days and evenings plus formal transition days during the summer.  Staff from each High school will also visit our children at Elton Primary School during the summer term as they ‘get to know them.’ They will also liaise with key staff in school in support of the transition process.

Where our staff or parents feel their child may need extra support with the transition process in terms of greater familiarisation with the layout of the building, routines and relationships, extra sessions are planned in liaison with the chosen High School.


Further information: 

Further information and forms are available online at Bury Council website: Bury Council Primary School Admissions

Bury Council Primary School Admissions Guide


Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB

Admissions to Nursery & Reception

Please contact us if you wish to find out more about our school nursery or starting in our Reception class before September and would like to arrange to visit school, we will be happy to arrange a time and date for you to come and see our wonderful early years provision. 


Admissions to Reception Class for September 2024

The Local Authority is responsible for Reception admissions. Children who will be of school age come September (Born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020) will receive a letter from Bury Council. You will have until 15 January 2024 to apply online via the admissions website, stating your preferred choice of schools. National offer day is   16 April 2024. 

Should you wish to arrange to tour school then please contact us and we will be happy to arrange a time and date for you to visit.

At Elton Primary School the admission limit in any one year group is 45.

Our criteria for admissions is as follows:

1) Looked after children

3) Siblings

3) Distance



You can appeal against your primary school reception class allocation by completing the appeal form: pdf icon Primary school reception class appeal form.
Please email the completed form and any supplementary information to by 15th May 2024.
Please complete one appeal form per school and one appeal form per child.
For more information about school appeals, including the admission appeal timetable/process please visit Appeal against school place decision.


In Year Intake

If you would like to apply for a school place outside of the September Reception intake, please contact the school office on 0161 705 2674 for details of class sizes and availability. Once you know there is an available place you need to apply formally through Bury Council via the following link:

Parents and children transferring from another school are encouraged to visit the school for a pre-transfer welcome visit to ensure they have all the information required prior to starting.


Transition to High School

The transition of our children to High School is a very important stage in our children’s school life.

All high schools organise Open Days and evenings plus formal transition days during the summer.  Staff from each High school will also visit our children at Elton Primary School during the summer term as they ‘get to know them.’ They will also liaise with key staff in school in support of the transition process.

Where our staff or parents feel their child may need extra support with the transition process in terms of greater familiarisation with the layout of the building, routines and relationships, extra sessions are planned in liaison with the chosen High School.


Further information: 

Further information and forms are available online at Bury Council website: Bury Council Primary School Admissions

Bury Council Primary School Admissions Guide